When you get a little older, the amount of presents you get on your birthday is vastly different from the pile you were lucky to get on the day you blew out seven candles on your cake. But I have to say, I've realized over the past decade that I care a lot more about giving than getting presents.
I love to buy Christmas/Yule presents. I love to buy birthday gifts. And I don't ask people what they want anymore because I want to give them things that have a meaning instead of buying Grandad a package of the socks he likes. Where's the surprise in that??

Writing is a lot like gift-giving. I write the books I think you all would like to read, or at least a good portion of you. And those I don't get with one book, I'll try to get with another...and another. No one is safe. Muahahaha!
Over Christmas, I gained a few new readers with my free read, and that helped to remind me why I do what I do. I can write all day long for myself and get some pleasure from it (because I love to write), but NOTHING compares to having readers wanting more, making me feel like I've got a golden touch. "I love it! What else do you have?" "Anything new coming out? I can't wait."
Comments like these make me get all sappy and wanting to hug the world. Why, yes, I will have something new coming out, and it's because of you! Not just those who are fans, but for those who aren't, too. You push me, inspire me. I want to make you all happy, make you read until all hours of the night, and make your breaths catch along with my characters.

To up my chances of making that happen, this year I set a goal for myself to write a short per month. I'm making no guarantee, since I've never tried writing on a disciplined schedule before, but I'm going to do my best because nothing beats new books or getting new fans with those new books.
I had a contest I planned to run for Christmas, but my hosting hour went by so fast, I never got to it. So what better way to celebrate my birthday today than to blatantly attempt to bribe new fans my way (and give longtime fans new gifts)?
You can enter by leaving a comment or by emailing me at allurevansanz (at) aol (dot) com. In your comment or email, tell me a short story you'd like to read and chose the names of your main characters.

For example: "I'd like to read a medieval M/F short. I want his name to be Sir Licks-a-lot and her name to be Lady Takemenow." or "I'd like a M/M" or "F/F".
Get as detailed as you like with looks or keep things vague. Makes no matter to me, whatever your comfort level.
If you'd rather just get a free book, you can request that, too. There's "From the Ruins" "Handling Gwen" or "Candied Cane"(the gift I handed out for Xmas). Just tell me the book you'd like to receive in your comment for a chance to win it, because today is all about you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me today.
All my best,
Great plan, Allure! I bet you get some really inspiring requests :-)
Hi Allure and Happy, Happy Birthday.
New readers are the best! You have many fans and with good reason.
I love your plan about writing for the winner. Mmm, I may cop that idea, when birthday rolls around.
Much cake, meaningful presents and a happy writing day to you.
Happy Birthday Allure!
What a great idea...love that "Lady Takemenow" You're so talented! Just wanted to stop by and wish you the best on your special day. Blow out your candles and make a special wish.
Because I am at the time in my life that my children are grown (youngest a junior in college) and my husband and I havent had nearly enough time together in recent years...I would like to read a passionate love story m/f where they ran away to a far away island to live the rest of their lives alone together without any phones, bills, stressors etc....actually that has been a dream of mine for at least the past five years but I know it will never happen..life just isn't that wonderful!!! And by the way..Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!!!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have lots of fun, and good luck with the short story per month!
ROFL @ Sir Licks-a-lot. Priceless!! Love it!!
Happy Birthday, Allure. I wish you many more and, of course, I hope all your greatest dreams come true. I'm running off to promote this for you.
Happy birthday, Allure. Wish you the best. Enjoy your weekend.
Happy Birthday,
Wishing you the best, today and always.
@ C. Margery. I have already via email and one through facebook. They're making me giggle! Thanks for coming!
@Brita Thanks Brita! It's looking like my BDay is going to be a great day, thanks for helping to make it so.
@Cherie Thanks, Cherie, for the well wishing and the compliment, it means a lot to me! I appreciate you coming by.
@Dawn. Funny you should mention that type of scenario Dawn. That was exactly what I was wanting when I first wrote From The Ruins (a m/f getaway erotic). Though they only go to an exotic locale to visit, maybe after the next installment I just received a contract for from Noble involving these two lovers, I'll write another short where they go "away" for good and call it the escape series. Thanks so much for coming by and giving me your thoughts.
@Cindy Thanks so much, Cindy! btw...for those of you who love a good paranormal, check out Cindy's Motor City Witch at Carina Press!
@Gracen Making you laugh has made my day! Thanks so much for the well wishing, and for reposting the blog. I'm hopeful for more entries! Looking out for me like that isn't something I'll forget, and the favor will be returned. ::hugs!::
@Roehill Thanks for stopping by Roe! I hope you have a great day!
@Neecy Hey you! I love that I can always count on you to come by and check things out. You're a great friend. <3
Happy birthday, Allure! What a cool way to celebrate and I hope you get a lot of wonderful gifts in return. Favorite character names: Demon Pursuit, Chasity Belt, Red Underwood, Sir Tight Buns. thanks for the giggle.
Happy Birthday! Good luck with your short stories. I hope you find great success. :)
Happy B-Day Allure,
Hope you get all that you wished for.... Blow out the candles and make your wish....
Another great story with M/M/F or M/F Medieval sounds perfect..... I'm always ready for one of your stories.....
@Margie LMAO! If I pull your name from my buffalo scrotum purse, I am totally using Red Underwood. hahaha!
@Auriel Hey you! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope I'm successful, too! lol
@Debbie HIYA!! I'm so glad you came by. That's the third request for medieval. First on the blog. It's a popular era!
My creative brain steam is building. Will have to write soon or explode!
btw...I don't actually have, nor would I ever, a buffalo scrotum purse--that's the birthday wine talkin'.
Lmao. Figured I better clarify before I get PETA-ed.
Giving gifts is so much fun! What a great post and treat for your readers! May the short story ideas keep you happily writing all year long. I hope you're having a wonderful birthday, Allure!
What a wonderful idea and great blog post, Allure. Looks like you've already had some inspiring ideas. Happy Birthday!!
Love your post! A very happy birthday to you - your gift to your readers is much appreciated. ;c) I want a m/f sex-on-the-beach-in-the-surf kinda story, and here's why: sand chafes. Salt water is unpleasant up the nose, and the waves never break in the same place twice. (Ah, memories.)
Happy Birthday...I'm late as usual and considering I'm in front of you in the time zone that's crazy. Great post.
I'm a giver too...I love to give presents and time to people. I think sometimes giving the time to listen and support is a gift in itself.
@Nichelle Thanks so much for coming by, Nichelle! I can't speak for my readers but I'm lovin' the contest. Getting some great ideas.
@Tam Thanks Tam. I appreciate you coming by. Noble authors are so supportive!
@Sarah Lmao! I'll add that into the hat...and don't think I won't write it if I pick it out. It'll be called "I have sand where?"
@H.C. No such thing as too late for showing support! ::thinks about that for a second:: Okay maybe there is but not in this case! lol You're right on time! Thanks so much for coming by!
Hi Allure! Happy Birthday again. Sorry it's late, but at least I got you on time on Facebook. :) I love the idea of giving on your birthday. I've done that since I was in my teens. It always seems to feel so much better. Dunno why. Just wanted to pop by and say happy birthday again. S'ok that I'm too late for the contest because well, a birthday's a birthday and well, truly, I was curious as to what was on the blog and let me say, you didn't dissapoint! I definitely chuckled.
@Madelina I'm so glad you came, Madelina, even though you were tardy, you still showed up. I truly appreciate it.
As for the winner, I would've announced it last night, but my net decided to go down and stay down for most of the day. Lol! Awesome.
The winner is Justin D. via email, who chose a copy of Handling Gwen as his prize instead of a book. BUT, I think I'm going to make this an annual contest. I really like the idea of writing a book *for* someone specifically. I did it for my friends back in the day and would love to do it for a fan or a potential fan, so keep your eye out for another contest here or at http://allurevansanz.blogspot.com
Thanks to everyone who came by to support and participate. Congratulations again, Justin! Enjoy.
All my best,
How about this story... Sir Tube Steak eats Lady Cums a Running... M/F story about them eating food with their hands and eating each other....
I'll mix that story with the beach story. If I made it through writing it, it'd be a miracle!
Haha! ::hugs:: Thanks for the laugh.
Happy Birthday Allure!
LOL, love these suggestions. I'm so not good at this! I love to read so much variety of genres!
Congrats Justin!
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