Friday, May 6, 2011


My name is Chelsie Shakespeare and I have recently finished my first novel, The Pull which is in the process of getting published through Noble's Young Adult line.

I have never "blogged" before (okay that's a lie, I did when I was younger but I was silly and young, now I am mature and sophisticated) ;-)

It's hard to sum up your life in a blog :-) But I will try for the basics. I love my husband (really really love him) and have the most wonderful family and friends. I know everybody says that, but in my case it's completely true. It is for this reason alone that I have a tattoo of four leaf clovers on my back :-)

Ahhh, and my name.... Shakespeare. I really do wish I could tell you that I am channeling the greatness of my ancestor when I write, but I married into the name (and yes, my husband is a very *distant* relative)... although it does fit nicely with my career choice.

A little about The Pull....

The Pull is a love story about two people who are meant to find each other over and over, every time they live. Each life they get to meet, fall in love, and rediscover the reasons why they continue to stay together throughout the ages. When the story begins Evie remembers nothing of her long history with one man. She has no idea she is supposed to be looking for him until she begins having vivid dreams about their previous life together.

Along the way she meets Kyler, a handsome college student who shares her hunger for knowledge. Together they uncover more than she ever thought possible and he unknowingly sends her down a path from which she might never return…

The Pull is set to release in June and you can read the first chapter on my website:

I so look forward to getting to know all of you!!

1 comment:

chris lange said...

Looking forward to get to know you too. Your book sounds very intriguing and interesting.